2024 6th International Conference on Frontier Technologies of Information and Computer (ICFTIC 2024)

History of ICFTIC 2022

第四届IEEE信息与计算机前沿技术国际学术会议(ICFTIC 2022)圆满落幕!
The 2022 4th IEEE International Conference on Frontiers Technology of Information and Computer (ICFTIC 2022) ended successfully!


2022年12月3日,2022年第四届IEEE信息与计算机前沿技术国际学术会议(ICFTIC 2022)成功举办。本次会议由中国石油大学(华东)主办,AEIC学术交流中心承办,IEEE Computer Society作技术支持。本次会议通过采取“线下+线上”“主场+分会场”形式进行,围绕"信息与计算机前沿技术”的最新研究领域,共同分享计算机领域的科研成果和前沿技术,探讨学术发展趋势。本次大会吸引来自国内外高校、科研院所、企业的资深专家、科研人才、青年学者共300余人参会,更有近1600人次通过艾思科蓝平台直播“云参会”,观看大会的实况。

On December 3, 2022, the 4th IEEE International Conference on Frontiers Technology of Information and Computer (ICFTIC 2022) was successfully held. The conference was hosted by the China University of Petroleum (East China) and organized by the Academic Exchange Information Center (AEIC), with technical support from the IEEE Computer Society. By embracing the hybrid form of “offline + online” and “main venue + sub venue”, the conference centered around the theme of “Frontiers Technology of Information and Computer”, aiming to highlight the scientific research achievements and frontiers technologies in the field of computer science, while also providing a platform for academic discussions on emerging trends and developments. This conference witnessed a significant turnout of over 300 senior experts, scientific research talents, and young scholars from various universities, research institutes, and enterprises worldwide, bringing together nearly 1,600 individuals through live streaming offered by the AiScholar platform.


Professor Shanchen Pang, Dean of the College of Computer Science and Technology at Qingdao Institute of Software, China University of Petroleum (East China), graced the conference with his presence and delivered an insightful speech. On behalf of his college, he extended a cordial welcometo the esteemed leaders and experts from the participating universities. The conference was presided over by Prof. Chenglizhao Chen, who hails from the College of Computer Science and Technology, Qingdao Institute of Software, serving as a Guanghua Scholar affiliated with China University of Petroleum (East China).


Amid the era of informationization, China ushers in the rapid development of science and technology, among which the computer has emerged as a crucial tool in both people’s professional endeavors and daily lives. It not only addresses fundamental needs but also caters to the evolving requirements of individuals by offering personalized and intelligent features for the sake of more convenience.


The development of artificial intelligence (AI) has embarked on a new stage, catalyzed by advancements in new theories and technologies such as mobile internet, big data, supercomputing, sensor networks, and brain science. These advancements, coupled with the growing demand for economic and social progress, have accelerated the development of AI and introduced new features, like deep learning, cross-border integration, man-machine collaboration, open intelligence, and autonomous control. The ongoing chain breakthroughs triggered by AI’s development are expected to further propel the transition from digitalization and networking to intelligence across various domains of the economy and society.





Given the prevailing circumstances, universities have shown a proactive response and collaborative effort in organizing this international academic conference.By inviting distinguished experts from both domestic and international backgrounds, the conference endeavors to create a high-level and vibrant knowledge feast for open exchange. It serves as a conduit for facilitating domestic academic prosperity in the field of frontiers technology and services of computer science as well as its application and dissemination in the realm of big data, enabling participants to enhance the theoretical, technical and applied research on intelligent technologies, gain insights into the latest and practical technologies and stay updated on frontiers development trends.

本次国际会议邀请了加拿大尼皮辛大学朱海滨教授IEEE Fellow,IET Fellow,AAIA Fellow,阿拉巴马大学计算机科学系肖杨教授、IEEE Fellow,无线工程实验室主任、悉尼大学的李永会教授IEEE CIS(计算智能)广州分会[E1] 主席,华南理工大学张智军教授IEEE AP-S杰出讲师,伊斯坦布尔阿特拉斯大学Levent Sevgi教授、中国地质大学曾德泽教授、中国石油大学宋弢教授等7位专家分别作了精彩的报告,如表1所示。专家们从边缘计算、计算机通信、机器学习应用以及人工智能应用等方面分享精彩的学术成果,探讨本领域发展所面临的关键性挑战问题和研究方向,以期推动该领域理论、技术在高校和企业的发展和应用,也为参会者建立了业务或研究上的联系以及寻找未来事业上的全球合作伙伴关系。

This international conference invited seven scholars to give wonderful reports, including Prof. Haibin Zhu from Nipissing University in Canada, Prof. Yang Xiao (IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, and AAIA Fellow) from the Department of Computer Science, University of Alabama, Prof. Yonghui Li  (IEEE Fellow and Director ofWireless Engineering Laboratory) from the University of Sydney, Prof. Zhijun Zhang (Chairman of IEEE CIS of Guangzhou Chapter) from the South China University of Technology, Prof. Levent Sevgi (IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer) from Atlas University in Istanbul, Prof. Deze Zeng from China University of Geosciences and Prof. Tao Song from China University of Petroleum, as detailed in Table 1. Amid the conference, experts shared remarkable academic achievements from edge computing, computer communication, machine learning application, and artificial intelligence application, revolving around key challenges and emerging research directions in the development of these fields. This conference aimed to promote the development and application of theories and technologies in this field across universities and enterprises, ultimately broadening participants’ business&research networks and paving the path for future collaborative endeavors.


ICFTIC 2022 专家报告表
ICFTIC 2022 Presentations by Experts



On that day, offline and online sub-venues were held simultaneously. Nearly 100 scholars showcased their work through poster presentations.Additionally, 32 young scholars delivered outstanding oral presentations, delving into their research results and sparking lively discussions among the attendees. Young scholars are rooted in the vast academic land and view scientific research and innovation as their respective responsibility. The presence of these young scholars embodies the continuity and vitality of scientific research. Their unwavering commitment and sense of responsibility serve as a driving force for forging ahead boldly on their scientific research journey.


Prof. Shanchen Pang, Dean of the College of Computer Science, Qingdao Institute of Software, China University of Petroleum (East China), delivered an opening speech


Prof. Chenglizhao Chen, a Guanghua Scholar of China University of Petroleum (East China) from the College of Computer Science, Qingdao Institute of Software presided over the conference

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Group photo of the conference


Silhouettes of the on-site conference


加拿大尼皮辛大学朱海滨教授报告:《Computational Social Simulation using E-CARGO》
Presentation by Prof. Haibin Zhu from Nipissing University in Canada: Computational Social Simulation using E-CARGO


IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, AAIA Fellow阿拉巴马大学计算机科学系肖杨教授报告:《Theory Studies of Sensor Arrays》
Presentation by Prof. Yang Xiao (IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, and AAIA Fellow) from the Department of Computer Science, University of Alabama: Theory Studies of Sensor Arrays


IEEE Fellow,无线工程实验室主任、悉尼大学李永会教授报告:《Beyond 5G towards a Super-connected World》

Presentation by Prof. Yonghui Li (IEEE Fellow and Director of Wireless Engineering Laboratory) from the University of Sydney: Beyond 5G towards a Super-connected World


IEEE CIS(计算智能)广州分会主席,华南理工大学的张智军教授报告:《Vary Parameter Recurrent Neural Network Applied to Intelligent Robots》

 Presentation by Prof. Zhijun Zhang (Chairman of IEEE CIS Guangzhou Chapter) from the South China University of Technology: Varying Parameter Recurrent Neural Network Applied to Intelligent Robot and Data Analysis


Presentation by Prof. Levent Sevgi (IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer) from the Atlas University, Istanbul: From “Engineering Electromagnetics” to “Electromagnetic Engineering”


中国地质大学的曾德泽教授:《The Development Trend toward Cloud Native Edge Computing》
Presentation by Prof. Deze Zeng from China University of Geosciences: The Development Trend toward Cloud Native Edge Computing


中国石油大学的宋弢教授报告:《When Artificial Intelligence Meets Drug Discovery》

Presentation by Prof. Tao Song from China University of Petroleum: When Artistic Intelligence Meets Drug Discovery


Representations of Young Scholars